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Mission for a smart sustainable energy system

Glava Energy Center runs a mission for a smart sustainable energy system based on renewable energy sources. Founded on proactive energy leadership, such an energy system can ensure the supply of electricity for society, companies, transport and industry and enable a viable business life and new establishments.

Energy is a major societal challenge

The future electricity supply is a global societal challenge. The energy issue is central to development at all levels of society. This applies to municipalities, regions, sparsely populated areas and large cities. It is a fact for both Värmland and the world.

According to an electricity and power analysis produced by Glava Energy Center in 2022 on behalf of the region of Värmland County Board, Värmland imports approximately 37 percent of the electricity that needs to be supplied. According to the report, the regional electricity production thus does not cover the current and future electricity demand, but an expansion of, for example, wind and solar power can change that.

Need for proactive energy leadership

To be able to meet increasing electricity demand in the wake of electrification and at the same time reduce the climate footprint, new thinking and changes at the system level are required. This affects all actors in the energy process – electricity producers, electricity distributors, electricity consumers, industries, companies, authorities, municipalities, and households.

Glava Energy Center believes that the goal should be a smart and sustainable energy system based on renewable energy sources that can ensure the supply of electricity for society, businesses, transport, and industry. Secure access to electricity at competitive prices can give municipalities and regions a competitive advantage as the chance increases that new industries and companies want to establish themselves in the area. To succeed, proactive energy leadership and new forms of cooperation with all actors in the energy process are required.

Hub for regional investment in sustainable energy systems

Glava Energy Centers is the hub for one of Värmland's seven designated areas for smart specialization. Smart specialization is a way of working to identify and prioritize areas with the greatest potential for innovation, development, and growth.

The Värmland specialization "Sustainable system solutions with solar power in the center" deals, in addition to the direct development of solar energy and solar cells, about how solar energy should interact with other energy production from hydro and wind power. Energy storage in batteries and hydrogen as well as control of energy systems are other central parts, as well as energy flexibility in society, industry, and private households. Just as important as the technical systems are questions about how the energy systems interact with people in, for example, energy communities and cooperative models.

Within the framework of the smart specialization around sustainable system solutions with solar power at the center, Glava Energy Center collaborates with actors such as electricity producers, electricity distributors, electricity consumers, industries, companies, authorities, and municipalities.

Last edited: 28/04 2023


Samhällen och företag riskerar brist på elenergi inom en snar framtid.​ För att möta utmaningen krävs nytänkande och förändringar på systemnivå.


Glava Energy Center vill driva utvecklingen av ett smart och hållbart energisystem som kan säkerställa tillgång till förnybar energi för samhälle, företag och privathushåll samt möjliggöra för nyetableringar. 


Genom innovationsprojekt och samarbeten arbetar Glava Energy Center för främja ett proaktivt energiledarskap, nytänkande och nya samarbetsformer bland företag, industrier och offentliga aktörer.