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Cluster for Companies in the Solar Industry

Glava Energy Center's Solkluster project aimed to enhance opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Värmland to compete with innovative products and services in the rapidly growing solar energy industry. The project received funding, among others, from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Developing solar energy in Sweden is crucial for achieving climate goals. The solar energy industry in Sweden is growing by 60 percent annually, with significant interest from major financial actors. However, the most substantial growth currently occurs outside the region. For Värmland's SMEs in the solar energy sector to benefit from this rapid growth, a solar energy cluster needed to be established, providing companies with networks and connections to major national actors as potential partners and clients. This development aimed to sustainably foster innovations, businesses, and expertise.

What was the goal of the project?

The solar energy cluster created a meeting point where Värmland's SMEs engaged with national actors for collaboration, interaction, and mutual development. Using Glava Energy Center's innovation process, specific developmental activities were established, fostering sustainable innovation, business growth, and enhanced expertise. Through the project, companies were expected to achieve increased profitability and strengthen their commitment to sustainability. Additionally, a cluster for the development of the solar energy industry was established.

The overarching goal of the project was to bolster the competitiveness of SMEs in the solar energy industry through:

  • Expanding the market by establishing direct connections between companies and major Swedish actors (as clients and collaborators) and by introducing new products and business models.
  • Enhancing digital development opportunities through collaboration with project partners in digitalization.
  • Facilitating sustainable development by creating new sustainable products to meet increased customer demands for sustainability.
  • The expected outcome was the establishment of a cluster environment where companies could test their innovative solar energy solutions.

How was the project executed?

The project encompassed various activities such as cluster development, workshops, and advisory services for companies.

Furthermore, a seminar series, "Solklustret solenergispanar," was organized, consisting of a monthly webcast seminar featuring exciting speakers providing current insights into sustainable energy systems and solar energy.

Project Details

  • Project Period: January 1, 2021, to April 30, 2023.
  • Funding: The main funder (50 percent) was the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Co-financing primarily from project partners listed below.
  • Total Budget: 4,000,000 SEK
  • Project Coordinator: Glava Energy Center
  • Contact Person at Glava Energy Center: Magnus Nilsson, see Contact.

Project Partners

  • Region Värmland
  • Swedish Solar Energy Association
  • Solkompaniet AB
  • SVEA Renewable Solar AB
  • Nordic Solar AB
  • Eden Aqua Tech AB
  • Apricus AB
  • CC90 Composite AB
  • Renewable Sun Energy Sweden AB
  • Delabglava AB
  • Scaaler AB
Last edited: 29/12 2023